What Is Ayurveda?

Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind -body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world’s sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems. Ayurveda is a science of life  (Ayur=life,Veda=science or knowledge).Ayurveda is India’s traditional alternative therapy, which uses holistic healing methods to promote good health. The three main classical texts that are the foundation of Ayurveda are the Charaka Samhita (Charaka), Ashtanga Hridaya (Vagbhata) and Susruta Samhita (Susruta) and according to these texts the human body is made of 5 elements – earth, fire, air, water and space. These five elements combine in the body to for three Doshas – Vata Dosha (Space and Air), Pitta Dosha (Fire and Water) and Kapha Dosha (Water and Earth). Ayurvedic treatment tries to bring about a balance between the mind, body and spirit and harmonise it with the universe. Any disruption of this harmony causes sickness and poor health.

Benefits of Ayurveda

Ayurveda has been a part of life of the people of India since the dawn of civilization and in recent years, Western culture has also embraced the procedure of holistic healing of the patient’s mind, body and spirit. Often called the “Science of Life”, Ayurveda has various physical and mental benefits that help in improving the overall quality of life. Usually a lot of people get severely effected by Loneliness that leads to mental disorders.

The practice of cleansing is considered a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle, with great potential for improved energy, strength, and immunity, as well as a renewed love of life. At its root, an Ayurvedic cleanse improves the strength of agni (the metabolic fire) in the GI tract and throughout the body by resting and purifying the digestive system

The immune system is the natural defence mechanism of the body that helps in fighting disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Ayurvedic medicine and Ayurvedic home remedies use a multitude of herbs and oils that are mixed together to create tonics that improves appetite and strengthen the body’s defence system.

The herb preparations administered by the Ayurvedic practitioner help in healing diseases from the root along with its symptoms. The treatments also involve lifestyle changes and increase in physical activities.

Stress is one of the major reasons of poor health and the tonics, therapies and massages involved in Ayurvedic treatment helps in relieving stress and enhancing physical well-being by balancing the mood and bringing about a harmony between the soul and the body.

Purging the body of toxins and maintaining it at the proper balance is the basic aim of Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic medicines and tonics promote thorough cleansing from within in order to improve overall health. Panchakarma is the most effective cleansing Ayurvedic treatment.

One of the greatest benefits of Ayurvedic treatment is that it helps achieving overall balance of energies in the body. The body is affected by the accumulation of toxins and Ayurveda helps in cleansing and removing these impurities.

Ayurvedic Treatments

Greeva Vasti treats the disorders related to the neck region. Greeva stands for neck and basti refers to the container. In this process, warm medicated oil is retained on the back of the neck using a reservoir made of black gram dough.

Kati Vasti is an effective ayurvedic treatment for relieving lower back pain, one of the biggest health disorders of modern times. The waist area of the body is known as “Kati” in Sanskrit and this treatment involves the holding of warm ayurvedic…

The Sirovasthi ayurvedic treatment involves retaining of medicated oils over the head for a certain period of time. In this procedure, a long leather cap is fixed on the head and secured at the temple suing a cotton clothThe top end of the cap is…

Bhaya Vasti is an ancient ayurvedic treatment that involves the process of retaining a specific amount of lukewarm medicated oil on a specific area of the body for a fixed time. The oil is contained in a receptacle made of paste made of urad dal.

Sirolepanam or Thalapothichil is a traditional ayurvedic treatment for hair care that provides a complete solution to all hair problems. It reduces hair fall, stimulates the hair follicles to promote hair growth and improves shine of the hair strands.

Udhwarthanam is an effective ayurvedic treatment for obesity and weight loss that involves deep dry massage using herbal powders. The massage is done in opposite direction of the hair follicles that stimulates the subcutaneous fat…

Kizhi is yet another purifying and rejuvenating ayurvedic treatment that heals the mind and body. Kizhi involves tying up of heated oils, herbs and powders into small muslin bags or “Potli” that are placed on different body parts using varying degree…

Pizhichil or Thailadhara is the best ayurvedic treatment in Kerala, in which warm medicated oil is poured on the body along with gentle massage while the person is lying on a wooden plank. This treatment helps in strengthening the…

Snehana involves both internal and external oleation. For external Snehana, Abhyanga oil massage is done in which the body is massaged with various Ayurvedic oils that promote the toxins to move towards the gastro-intestinal tract. There are several other benefits

Panchakarma is a Sanskrit term used in ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda Panchakarma involves five therapeutic treatment methods that are used to purify the body and remove toxins from the system. It is equally effective…

Nasya or nasal administration is a procedure of cleaning the accumulated Kapha from the head and neck region. At first, the face, head and chest is massaged thoroughly using certain herbal oil which promotes perspiration.

Raktamokshana, which means ‘to let out the blood’ is a bloodletting procedure and effective blood purification therapy that helps in neutralizing the accumulated Pitta in the blood.

Vasti or Basti is a medicated Enema treatment that is extremely beneficial for rejuvenating convalescence and treating neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, infertility, sexual debility and other conditions. The term “Basti” …

Next is Virechana, or purgation therapy which removes excess Pitta from the body and purifies the blood to treat the problems of skin rashes, acne, pimples, inflammation, biliary vomiting, Jaundice, digestive disorders, headache and certain…

Vamana is the first step of Panchakarma that involves Emesis therapy. It is an ayurvedic procedure of therapeutic vomiting that helps in eliminating excess Kapha or mucus that is the root cause of diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis…

Dhara is an exceptionally relaxing ayurvedic therapy in which a stream of soothing warm herbal oils, milk and buttermilk is poured on the head and various other body parts that help in soothing the nervous system and calming the mind. This therapy induces feeling of…